Contributing › Doctoral consortium

Description of the category

Organised within the framework of the HMI conference, the doctoral consortium is an opportunity for doctoral students working in the field of Human-Computer Interaction or its related disciplines (Design, Human Factors, Information Sciences) to present their research work to a panel of experts in the field in a collegial atmosphere. The objectives of this day are

  • To give PhD students constructive feedback on their doctoral research,
  • To bring out new perspectives for the thesis work in progress,
  • To make these research themes and their actors visible within the community,
  • To provide an opportunity for PhD students to meet their peers.

Call for participation

All doctoral research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction are concerned by this call. Accepted submissions will be made available on the conference website.

Content of the submission

Submissions of papers for the doctoral meetings should state the doctoral research question, its motivations, the expected contributions, the envisaged research methodology, and any preliminary, exploratory or advanced results contributing to the research question.

Selection process

Submissions will be evaluated by the supervisors and a panel of experts constituted according to the themes of the submissions.

Format of the submission

The submission consists of a (non-anonymous) paper and a statement from one of the supervisors supporting the submission and indicating the start date of the thesis (a three-line document is sufficient). The submission can be written in English or French on 2 to 4 pages, summarising the doctoral research and describing the state of progress and perspectives. Papers should follow the format of the proceedings.

Accepted submissions will be followed by a presentation and a question and answer session with the panel of researchers and participants. Accepted submissions will also be the subject of a poster, which will be presented during a session at the conference.

At the end of the doctoral meetings, there will be a slot for more general exchanges on the field, the doctorate, etc. between the participants and the members of the panel of experts. These exchanges will continue over dinner.


Submissions should follow the following format:

For successful applications, we will invite you to create a poster or a website according to your participation:

  • size A1
  • portrait orientation
  • (if possible) with eyelets for hanging

Submission procedure

Complete submissions (paper and support from a thesis supervisor) should be submitted to the following website:


  • Submissions: January 12, 2023 (same date as the WiP)
  • Notification to doctoral students: beginning of March 2023
  • Submission of the final versions of submissions + poster: beginning of February 2023
  • RD: April 03, 2023


Participation in the doctoral meetings is supported by the AFIHM, with accommodation and registration fees covered.


to be announced


    • Philippe Truillet, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III
    • Tifanie Bouchara, Université Paris-Saclay
    • (the rest of the committee of the doctoral consortium will be communicated soon)



    Extended Committee

    • David Bertolo, University of Lorraine, LCOMS, Metz
    • Tifanie Bouchara, University of Paris-Saclay, LISN, Orsay
    • Elodie Bouzbib, INRIA Rennes, Rennes
    • Géry Casiez, University of Lille, CRISTAL, Lille
    • Quentin Roy, University of Grenoble Alpes, LIG, Grenoble
    • Pascal Salembier, University of Troyes, LIST3N, Troyes
    • Philippe Truillet, University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, IRIT, Toulouse

    Contact at