Note to authors of scientific articles

Submission process

Submissions will be made on the PCS system

We encourage authors to consult the following documents. Reading these documents will help you to better understand the expectations of the programme committee regarding your submission.

There is no page limit or distinction between short and long papers; authors are encouraged to submit a paper of a length commensurate with their contribution and there is no maximum (or minimum) length. A typical paper is 8-10 pages (double column) or 13-16 pages (single column) (plus references), but papers may be shorter.

The match between the number of pages and the importance of the results presented will be taken into account when evaluating the papers. We suggest that authors carefully self-assess their contribution and allocate the appropriate number of pages.

Submissions to HMI must comply with the ACM Policy on Prior Publications and Concurrent Submissions.

Selection Process

Each submission follows a rigorous selection process based on criteria such as originality of the contribution, validity of the argument, practical or theoretical significance of the results, replicability of the work, and quality of presentation.

IHM implements a double-blind review process for scientific papers. To facilitate this process, submissions must respect two rules: the authors' names must not appear and references to the authors' previous work will be cited as if they were from third party authors. The purpose of this procedure is to help the Programme Committee (PC) and external reviewers to develop an initial unbiased judgement of the paper. Nevertheless, nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that might weaken the submission or make the review work more difficult (e.g. important references should not be omitted or anonymised).

For each paper submitted, the chairs of the Programme Committee (PC) appoint two members of the PC, one of whom will be the paper supervisor. The paper manager then appoints two external reviewers to the Programme Committee.

Each submission is rigorously evaluated by the three internal and external reviewers. On the basis of these reviews, the paper's author draws up a summary of the reviews.

After these first reviews and responses from the authors (in which they have the opportunity to correct any errors in the evaluations), the Programme Committee's decisions will be :

After receiving the reviews and the synthesis, and in order to address the points raised by the reviews, authors whose papers are conditionally accepted will then be given the opportunity to make changes to the paper directly and to write a letter of introduction to these changes. The committee member responsible for the submission may accompany the authors in the consideration of the requests for changes. These exchanges are at the discretion of the committee member responsible for the submission, and are not mandatory.

PC members who have monitored or evaluated the paper may modify their evaluations after reading the new version of the paper and the authors' response letter. The Programme Committee meets to discuss the evaluations, the synthesis and the authors' response and decides on acceptance or not.

FAQ concerning lightweight double-blind reviewing

More on Improving Reviewing Quality with Double-Blind Reviewing, External Review Committees, Author Response, and in Person Program Committee Meetings

Publication process

Like most ACM conferences now, we are adopting the ACM Publication System (TAPS) with the new submission and publication format. The two-column PDF papers will still be published on the ACM DL (Digital Library), but they will be accompanied by a responsive HTML version that can be adapted to the different screen sizes of the terminals used today.

To do this, the submission for review of the article must follow a single column layout (according to the Word and LaTeX templates provided). Authors should submit the PDF on u0026nbsp;PCS (in single-column format). Note that the Word template has various processing difficulties and that the LaTeX format is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED.

Once accepted, authors should submit the PDF and sources of the final version of the article on u0026nbsp;PCS, again in single-column format. The files will then be transformed with TAPS to obtain publishable versions (two-column PDF and responsive HTML). Authors are encouraged to check the automatic two-column layout of their article before submitting it (see next paragraph). Authors will nevertheless receive a message to check the layout and may request changes if necessary.

Authors can test the transformation of their article from one to two columns to anticipate the final layout. This two-column version produced by authors is for testing purposes only and should not be submitted. We hope that the PDF produced by TAPS will be close, but we cannot guarantee that the PDF produced by TAPS will be exactly the same. To do this, authors using LaTeX will be able to select the documentclass line (which, depending on the language used, is at the beginning of the article-main-en.tex or article-main-fr.tex file) corresponding to the desired format. Authors using Word will have to follow the procedure to apply the two-column format. To avoid problems, remember to save your file beforehand. (Tip: to make the styles appear in the margin of the draft mode: File u0026gt; Option u0026gt; Advanced options u0026gt; Display u0026gt; Width of the style area pane: indicate 2 cm or 3 cm for example).

Authors using LaTeX should limit the packages to those in this list: They can also use the utility to obtain a minimal archive containing only the files useful for compilation.

The publishable version will be deposited as a zip archive containing three subdirectories (see point 7 of the Taps best practices):