Contributing › Demo Night


The demos will give you the opportunity to present your prototypes to the audience of the IHM'23 conference during a specially dedicated "demo night". This session will be the opportunity to:

Show: Offer the IHM'23 audience to experience your work, which is often the best way to communicate an idea.
Learn: Get feedback on your work from HCI experts.l ;
Collaborate: Start collaborations with national and international researchers in the field.
Disseminate: Communicate your work to media and research institutions.
Experiment: Leverage conference attendants to get participants in your experiments.
Be rewarded: The "Best Demonstration Award" will be voted on by the IHM'23 audience.


IHM'23 offers a submission process specifically dedicated to demonstrations. Submissions can cover different areas such as:

  • Interaction techniques,
  • Tools for HCI (for example analysis, design, or prototyping),
  • Software and hardware for HCI
  • Applications(for example home, school, museum, game, or office),
  • Any other kinds of contribution that may benefit the community.

The IHM'23 Program Committee may invite paper or TeC authors to present a demonstration without additional submission, except for the technical annex.

Instructions for authors

Submissions should be a 2–3-page paper excluding references, accompanied by a technical appendix in a separate document.

The paper presents the scientific objectives of the work as well as the main features presented during the demonstration. Its format is imposed, as specified below.

The technical appendix describes the scenario planned for the demonstration as well as the specific material needs. Its format is up to the authors.

Equipment at your disposal

For the needs of each demonstration will be available by default:

  • Table,
  • Electricity,
  • Wi-Fi with Internet access.

Some demonstrations will require other devices or have specific needs. It is imperative to indicate this in the technical appendix. The organizers will do their best to accommodate them.

Submission templates

Submissions must use the following templates:

In addition, submissions:

  • Must use the NON anonymous format in its single column version,
  • Must not exceed two pages excluding references.

Submission process

Submissions should be sent by email to no later than 9 February.

In order to ease the process, the names of the submitted files must comply with the following format:

  • For the paper: DemoIHM2023-Article-First_author_name.pdf
  • For the technical appendix: DemoIHM2023-Annexe-First_author_name.pdf

Evaluation process

Submissions will be evaluated by the demonstration leaders, assisted by additional reviewers if necessary. Evaluations and comments will be sent to authors on February 7.

Final Version

The article modified according to the comments communicated to the authors will need to be returned to by March 7. The technical appendix should not be incorporated into the paper.

Final versions must follow the same template as the submissions.

Publication in proceedings

The articles accompanying the accepted demonstrations will be included in informal proceedings available online on the HAL platform.


  • Deadline for submission of papers and technical appendices: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
  • Submission of reviews to authors: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
  • Deadline for sending final versions: Tuesday, March 7, 2023

