
Registration for the IHM'23 conference is now open.

Conference fees

Registration for the workshop day only does not give access to the rest of the conference, in particular to the Gala Dinner and the Demo Night.

Registration for the Demo Night does not give access to the rest of the conference, especially the Gala Dinner.

To benefit from the AFIHM preferential rate, please ensure that your membership is up to date before registering.


Registration fees To 03/13/2023  After 03/13/2023
Basic fee
400 € TTC
450 € TTC
AFIHM or ACM member
350 € TTC
400 € TTC
PhD student or Emeritus
300 € TTC
350 € TTC
PhD student or Emeritus, Member AFIHM or ACM
250 € TTC
300 € TTC
Master Student
50 € TTC
50 € TTC
Demo/Challenge Night only
50 € TTC
50 € TTC
Workshops only
50 € TTC
50 € TTC
Additional Gala Ticket
55 € TTC
55 € TT